The Museum of Digital Art in Zürich is open !
Category: Interactive design
Chrome experiments
A set of web-based experiments designed specifically for the Chrome navigator.
Holocaust Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has been an activist force for genocide prevention and the education of world leaders since 1993.
Andy Cavatorta and James Patten have built an electronic harp for Björk and her Biophilia tour.
Casablanca – critical edition
The experimental television lab at Georgia Tech has been working with the AFI on a digital critical edition of «Casablanca» that allows scholars to analyze each scene of the film, contrast it with alternate versions, with the original script, and with production notes.
Rétrospective de Jean Rouch et Luis Buñuel à la Cinémathèque portugaise. En même temps que EXD’11, et le Estoril Film Festival.
Visit Lisbon.
YDreams is an interactive media design studio based in Lisbon, Portugal.
It is a partner of the 8th international conference on advances in computer entertainment technology (ACE 2011) held there in November. The keynote speaker is Hiroshi Ishii, pioneer in tangible interfaces.
An excellent article tweeted by Lev Manovich.
The Organicités studio course is offered by the Media x Design Lab at EPFL.
A colloquium in Lausanne, featuring some works by the «infolipo» group.