Lecture Performance

Conférence musicale

Accompagnée par et sur le thème de la musique, une conférence significatogène organisée par Miracle dans le festival Résonances au Théâtre de Verre à Paris, ainsi qu’au Salon de Montrouge.


Les bifurcations du récit interactif

Journée d’étude à l’Université de Lausanne sur les grandes questions du récit
interactif à l’ère des médias numériques.


CUSO Narratology

I will be presenting my theoretical research on computational cinema for the first time in a French-speaking academic context, at the University of Lausanne, as part of a doctoral school on language sciences and narratology organized by Raphaël Baroni and Françoise Revaz.
Is there a language of interactivity ? What is digital cinema ? How do multi-linear narratives relate to David Lewis’ philosophy of possible worlds ? My respondent will be Françoise Lavocat.



Presenting a paper in a workshop at the Interaction Design & Children Conference
at the New School in New York City.

Exhibition Film/Video Installation

Tempus fugit

A Genève, vernissage de ma nouvelle installation vidéo générative «Tempus fugit»
dans l’exposition collective de Infolipo dédiée à la mémoire de Ferdinand de Saussure.
Un pourcentage des œuvres vendues reviendra à la Fondation Pro Juventute.

Film/Video Press

Les Films Invisibles

I will launch soon a new version of the web site for «Les Films Invisibles».

In the meantime, a letter I sent to Scott Macaulay featured in Filmmaker magazine,
about my film projects in development.


OLPC Switzerland

I have been elected co-President of OLPC Switzerland, for the French-speaking part,
together with Urs Lerch, who obtained his PhD from TU Berlin on the subject of
open source software development
Our mission is to familiarize children with computing technologies, all around the world.


New research videos

Videos of the work going on at the sinlab on our new vimeo page.


Theater for one person

An entire play executed for only one spectator is as close as one can get to the
imaginary «Holodeck», when simulating immersive interactive narrative
In this performance, I pretend to be having dinner with the spectator, allowing
him or her to turn a wheel which modifies the status of our fictional relationship.
Work in progress presented during Les Urbaines, at Espace Arlaud, with the SINLAB,
on the theme of performance art and interactive technologies, on Nov 30-Dec 2.

Exhibition Film/Video Installation


The videos I shot with dancer/actress Verena Lopes have been included in the
upcoming Gesamt installation by Lars von Trier which opens at the Copenhagen
art festival
on October 11th in Charlottenborg. It runs until December 30th.