Inspiré du fameux cours «How to make (almost) anything», donné au MIT par Neil Gershenfeld, père du concept du Fab Lab, je vais donner en français un atelier à la HEP Vaud lors d’un colloque sur la conception d’un artefact. Suite au colloque, j’ai écrit ce texte.
Author: admin
Crowd-funding campaign
We are planning to launch very soon our crowd-funding campaign for the movie «Spierer’s List». Our project was delayed because of the unstable political events that took place in Turkey (where a large part of the film takes place) — thank you for your patience…
Rencontres franco-suisses
Organisées par la Cité de l’image en mouvement à Annecy, les Rencontres franco-suisses ont pour objectif de faire se rencontrer les professionnels suisses et rhônalpins de l’audiovisuel et du cinéma.
Je présenterai «La Liste de Spierer» le jeudi 12 novembre lors du festival Cinéma Tous Ecrans à Genève.
Initiation à l’informatique
Teaching kids how to program, using Scratch on a Raspberry Pi, at the Centre Communautaire de la Jeunesse Juive (CCJJ) in Geneva, Switzerland ! This is a weekly course (dès 6 ans…).
Future cinema
Lecture on Future Cinema at the Tel Aviv Makers hackerspace, at 8pm
Tribeca Hacks
May 28-30 : The Tribeca Film Festival, founded by Robert de Niro in New York after 9/11, is hosting an intensive workshop in Tel-Aviv on interactive storytelling, during Print Screen (Israeli digital culture festival) – I will be building a piece there.
Can you build a machine that feels pain ?
Reflections on the nature of pain and suffering, based on Marvin Minsky‘s «The Emotion Machine», in a seminar at HEAD CCC.
I went to the European Film Market in Berlin to look for partners, for our documentary feature-length film «Spierer’s List».
Ciné-concert kino kabaret
I was accepted as a director in the kino kabaret of Geneva where my film’s soundtrack was improvised by the band Penfield, during a ciné-concert at l’Abri, along with many other talented up-and-coming filmmakers.
Arduino workshop at the Thessaloniki make space on December 1-7, with lectures in video duplex with Space Under in Athens, on the theme of getting ready for Christmas : lights, sounds, smells, colors, movements…