The very first film ever to be transmitted on the Internet was a film about bees transmitted by David Blair in 1993, and is still online.
Category: Cinema
A filmed encounter between two monumental directors : Jean-Luc Godard and Marcel Ophüls.
Où va le cinéma ?
Archive en ligne de rencontres et débats qui ont eu lieu en 2008
au centre Pompidou à Paris.
Bolex Digital
Resurrection of the Bolex camera, with the first digital model.
Terrain vague
Terrain vague is a new collective of young filmmakers based in Lausanne.
RIP Harris Savides
Rétrospective au MOMA d’un des plus grands chefs opérateurs américains mort à l’âge de 55 ans.
En clôture de la Semaine de la Critique cette année à Cannes,
un OVNI cinématographique : 3x3D.
The Cannes Film Festival has not lost its charm…
ACID, la Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, la Semaine de la Critique, etc, etc.
Death and re-birth of cinema
A one-day conference held in Philadelphia.
«Angst essen Seele auf» remixed
A wonderful film-mix by François Ozon, with his commentary as a voice-over. It is not made live. Parallel editing of two difficult love stories.